If you’re looking to beat Tales from the Borderlands as quickly as possible, this guide is for you. We’ll give you tips on how to zip through the game’s five chapters without missing a beat.
First and foremost, start a new game on the easiest difficulty setting. You can always change the difficulty later if you find the game too easy. Second, complete all of the side missions as you come across them. These will not only help you level up your character, but they’ll also give you a better understanding of the game’s world and story.
how long to beat tales from the borderlands
The main story of Tales from the Borderlands can be completed in about 10 hours on the easiest difficulty setting. However, if you want to 100% the game, you’ll need to replay it on a higher difficulty and complete all of the side missions. This can take up to 20 hours. Either way, you should be able to beat the game within a day or two. Now that you know how to beat Tales from the Borderlands, get out there and start playing! And remember, if you get stuck, just consult this guide for help.
What are some of the best strategies for beating the game quickly?
Here are some of the best strategies for beating Tales from the Borderlands quickly:
First and foremost, start a new game on the easiest difficulty setting. You can always change the difficulty later if you find the game too easy. Second, complete all of the side missions as you come across them. These will not only help you level up your character, but they’ll also give you a better understanding of the game’s world and story.
Third, if you’re having trouble with a particular section of the game, consult a walkthrough or ask for help from somebody who has already beaten the game. Finally, try to complete the main story in one sitting if possible. This will help you avoid forgetting what you need to do next.
Which characters are the best and worst to use in battle?
There is no “correct” answer to this question, as it depends on your own playing style. However, some people recommend using Maya or Mordecai in battle, as they have strong long-range attacks. Alternatively, you could use Zer0 or Gaige, who are both proficient in melee combat. As for which character to avoid using in battle, most people agree that it’s best to stay away from Brick, as his melee-focused attacks can be difficult to control.
What are some of the best weapons in the game?
Again, this is a matter of personal preference. However, some of the best weapons in the game include the Bee Shield (which gives you a chance to fire bees at your enemies), the Conference Call (a powerful shotgun), and the Anarchy (a grenade launcher that fires homing missiles).
What are some of the best quests in the game?
Some of the best quests in Tales from the Borderlands include “A Heavy Load,” “The Great Escape,” and “High Stakes.” “A Heavy Load” is a side quest that tasks you with delivering a package to a local store, while “The Great Escape” is a main story quest that has you breaking out of prison. Finally, “High Stakes” is a side quest that sees you gambling for money in order to win a car. All three of these quests are not only enjoyable, but they also help to advance the game’s story.
How to get all of the trophies and achievements in the game?
There are a total of 50 trophies and achievements that can be earned in Tales from the Borderlands. To get all of them, you’ll need to complete the main story, as well as all of the side missions. You’ll also need to find all of the hidden collectibles, and kill every enemy type in the game. Additionally, you’ll need to reach the highest level with each character, and complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting. Finally, you’ll need to play through the game again on a second playthrough, and make different choices than you did the first time